Summary of Conditions and Results for nTCEC Season 1 (now renamed TCEC Season 4)
nTCEC is a slow time control tournament for chess engines. Whilst not called the world championship it is clearly the most testing of tournaments in terms of the number of games, quality hardware and slow time control. Much kudos to Martin Thoresen who runs it. Season 2 will start later this year.
Introductory key notes
This was a 5 stage tournament culminating in the Superfinal
The hardware changed after Stage 2, from a 4 core machine to a 16 core machine
3,4 and 5 man tablebases were available for engines in various formats for Stages 1 and 2. 6 man Nalimovs were added for Stage 3 onwards.
Stockfish was updated between stages. The version in the Superfinal was very similar to Stockfish 3
Komodo 4534 ran on a single core and was later released as Komodo CCT
Chiron was withdrawn in Stage 3 due to a number of crashes and its scores were removed from that stage.
150m + 60s per move for the whole game,
running on a dual Intel Xeon E5-2689 @ 3300 MHz.
16 cores used for each engine, ponder off.
Complete 3,4 and 5 man EGTBs, most important 6 man EGTB.
Houdini 3 25-23 Stockfish (very similar to Stockfish 3)
Stage 4
150m + 60s per move for the whole game,
running on a dual Intel Xeon E5-2689 @ 3300 MHz.
16 cores used for each engine, ponder off.
Complete 3,4 and 5 man EGTBs, most important 6 man EGTB.
N Engine Pts SB Houdin Stockf Rybka Komodo
1 Houdini 3 11.0 89.50 100=11 ====== =1==11
2 Stockfish 120413 9.5 81.75 011=00 ==1=== ==1===
3 Rybka 4.1 9.0 79.50 ====== ==0=== ====1=
4 Komodo 4534 6.5 62.75 =0==00 ==0=== ====0=
Stage 3
150m + 60s per move for the whole game,
running on a dual Intel Xeon E5-2689 @ 3300 MHz.
16 cores used for each engine, ponder off.
Complete 3,4 and 5 man EGTBs, most important 6 man EGTB.
N Engine Pts SB Ho St Ry Ko Vi Hi Qu Ch
1 Houdini 3 10.0 56.50 == 01 == =1 1= 11 11
2 Stockfish 250313 10.0 54.75 == 0= == =1 11 11 11
3 Rybka 4.1 9.5 55.50 10 1= == == == 11 11
4 Komodo 4534 9.5 54.50 == == == 01 11 1= 11
5 Vitruvius 1.19 7.0 38.00 =0 =0 == 10 0= 1= 11
6 Hiarcs 14 6.0 29.00 0= 00 == 00 1= == 11
7 Quazar 0.4 4.0 14.25 00 00 00 0= 0= == 11
8 Chiron 1.5 0.0 0.00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Stage 2
150m + 60s per move for the whole game,
running on an Intel Core i7 3770k @ 4500 MHz.
Up to 3 cores were used for engines capable of SMP.
Complete 3,4 and 5 man EGTBs in various formats.
Stage 2a Stage 2b
N Engine Pts Ho St Ry Hi Cr Ju Sp Ga N Engine Pts Vi Ko Ch Qu Ha Gu Sh Sc
1 Houdini 3 9.0 == 01 == 01 11 1= =1 1 Vitruvius 1.19 10.0 == 1= =1 =1 1= =1 1=
2 Stockfish 210213 9.0 == == == == 1= 1= 11 2 Komodo 4534 9.5 == == == 10 =1 11 11
3 Rybka 4.1 8.5 10 == == 1= =1 =1 == 3 Chiron 1.5 8.0 0= == =1 == 01 01 11
4 Hiarcs 14 8.5 == == == 0= == 11 11 4 Quazar 0.4 7.5 =0 == =0 1= 01 1= =1
5 Critter 1.6a 8.0 10 == 0= 1= == == 11 5 Hannibal 200213 6.5 =0 01 == 0= 01 == 1=
6 Junior 13.3 5.5 00 0= =0 == == =0 11 6 Gull R375 6.5 0= =0 10 10 10 == =1
7 Spike 1.4 5.0 0= 0= =0 00 == =1 01 7 Shredder 12 5.5 =0 00 10 0= == == 1=
8 Gaviota 0.8602 2.5 =0 00 == 00 00 00 10 8 Scorpio 2.75 2.5 0= 00 00 =0 0= =0 0=
Stage 1
150m + 60s per move for the whole game,
running on an Intel Core i7 3770k @ 4500 MHz.
Up to 3 cores were used for engines capable of SMP.
Complete 3,4 and 5 man EGTBs in various formats.
Engine Pts CS Bon Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0001 Houdini 3.0 5.5 30.00 0.0 3193 0024:w+ 0005:b= 0007:w= 0004:b+ 0008:w+ 0003:b= 0011:w+
0002 Vitruvius 1.19 5.5 28.00 0.0 3077 0028:b+ 0014:w= 0010:b= 0012:w+ 0006:b+ 0005:w+ 0003:b=
0003 Gull II 5.0 30.00 0.0 3091 0027:b+ 0016:w+ 0006:b= 0009:w+ 0007:b= 0001:w= 0002:w=
0004 Stockfish 2.31 5.0 27.00 0.0 3092 0025:w+ 0021:b+ 0009:b= 0001:w- 0010:b= 0014:w+ 0008:w+
0005 Hiarcs 14.0b 4.5 30.00 0.0 2981 0022:b+ 0001:w= 0011:b+ 0006:w= 0009:b= 0002:b- 0015:w+
0006 Chiron 1.5 4.5 29.00 0.0 2996 0023:w+ 0012:b+ 0003:w= 0005:b= 0002:w- 0015:b= 0017:w+
0007 Komodo 4534 4.5 28.50 0.0 3124 0019:b+ 0010:w= 0001:b= 0021:w+ 0003:w= 0008:b- 0016:w+
0008 Rybka 4.1 4.0 29.50 0.0 3093 0011:b= 0017:w= 0014:b+ 0018:w+ 0001:b- 0007:w+ 0004:b-
0009 Critter 1.6a 4.0 29.00 0.0 3089 0018:w+ 0015:b+ 0004:w= 0003:b- 0005:w= 0016:b= 0012:w=
0010 Shredder 12.0 4.0 27.50 0.0 2958 0032:w+ 0007:b= 0002:w= 0015:b= 0004:w= 0012:b= 0013:w=
0011 Scorpio 2.75 4.0 27.00 0.0 2807 0008:w= 0013:b+ 0005:w- 0029:b+ 0015:w= 0019:b+ 0001:b-
0012 Junior 13.3 4.0 25.00 0.0 2900 0030:b+ 0006:w- 0028:b+ 0002:b- 0024:w+ 0010:w= 0009:b=
0013 Gaviota 0.86b3 4.0 23.50 0.0 2720 0017:b= 0011:w- 0020:b+ 0016:w- 0029:b+ 0021:w+ 0010:b=
0014 Quazar 0.4 3.5 26.50 0.0 2897 0026:w+ 0002:b= 0008:w- 0023:b= 0027:w+ 0004:b- 0018:w=
0015 Hannibal 1.3 3.5 26.00 0.0 2945 0031:b+ 0009:w- 0019:b+ 0010:w= 0011:b= 0006:w= 0005:b-
0016 Spike 1.4 3.5 25.50 0.0 2919 0029:w+ 0003:b- 0023:w= 0013:b+ 0021:b= 0009:w= 0007:b-
0017 Equinox 1.65 3.5 25.50 0.0 3049 0013:w= 0008:b= 0021:w- 0025:w+ 0018:b= 0020:w+ 0006:b-
0018 Texel 1.01 3.5 22.00 0.0 2797 0009:b- 0031:w+ 0022:b+ 0008:b- 0017:w= 0027:w= 0014:b=
0019 Nemo 1.01b 3.5 21.50 0.0 2851 0007:w- 0032:b+ 0015:w- 0028:b+ 0023:w+ 0011:w- 0022:b=
0020 The Baron 3.34b 3.5 19.50 0.0 2581 0021:w- 0025:b= 0013:w- 0032:b+ 0028:w+ 0017:b- 0027:b+
0021 Protector 1.5b2 3.0 27.00 0.0 2907 0020:b+ 0004:w- 0017:b+ 0007:b- 0016:w= 0013:b- 0024:w=
0022 Exchess 6.71b 3.0 23.00 0.0 2680 0005:w- 0024:b+ 0018:w- 0027:b- 0026:w+ 0023:b= 0019:w=
0023 Arasan 15.1 3.0 22.50 0.0 2698 0006:b- 0030:w+ 0016:b= 0014:w= 0019:b- 0022:w= 0025:b=
0024 Minkochess 1.3 3.0 21.50 0.0 2847 0001:b- 0022:w- 0031:b+ 0030:w+ 0012:b- 0025:w= 0021:b=
0025 Crafty 23.5 3.0 21.00 0.0 2763 0004:b- 0020:w= 0029:w= 0017:b- 0032:w+ 0024:b= 0023:w=
0026 Danasah 5.0 3.0 16.50 0.0 2517 0014:b- 0028:w- 0027:b- 0031:w+ 0022:b- 0029:w+ 0030:b+
0027 Dirty 190113 2.5 23.50 0.0 2723 0003:w- 0029:b- 0026:w+ 0022:w+ 0014:b- 0018:b= 0020:w-
0028 Octochess 4741 2.5 22.00 0.0 2678 0002:w- 0026:b+ 0012:w- 0019:w- 0020:b- 0030:w= 0032:b+
0029 Rodent 0.17 2.0 21.50 0.0 2602 0016:b- 0027:w+ 0025:b= 0011:w- 0013:w- 0026:b- 0031:w=
0030 Nebula 2.0b 1.5 18.00 0.0 2421 0012:w- 0023:b- 0032:w= 0024:b- 0031:w= 0028:b= 0026:w-
0031 Redqueen 1.13 1.5 17.50 0.0 2600 0015:w- 0018:b- 0024:w- 0026:b- 0030:b= 0032:w= 0029:b=
0032 Prodeo 1.83c 1.0 19.50 0.0 2607 0010:b- 0019:w- 0030:b= 0020:w- 0025:b- 0031:b= 0028:w- is an excellent, friendly and free corrrespondence chess, go and poker site.