Tuesday, 11 February 2014

FICGS correspondence chess championship

The 13th FICGS correspondence chess championship will start at the beginning of March 2014

Time control is 30 days per game plus 1 day increment per move.     The championship is a multi-round event and takes several years to complete if you get through all the rounds, so is not for the faint hearted.

But it is open to everyone.

You can joinFICGS for free here http://www.ficgs.com/register.html

and see the rules for the championship here http://www.ficgs.com/membership.html#chess_wch if you want to check it out more before joining.

TCEC season 6

TCEC chess software tournament Season 6 has started. 

You can watch the games live here http://tcec.chessdom.com/live.php

By going to the Help Menu and then Rules and Information on that page you can see the conditions under which the tournament is played but in a nutshell it is a big hardware, slow time control, multi-round tournament.   It is simply the best chess software tournament around.

And I am delighted to say that the time control has been left the same as the previous season and the opening choices are proving excellent so far.